Video Tutorials

Seacert Standard Ordering Process
End-to-end process for a Client Order.
Seacert Key Tool and how to submit Order Management certificate(.p10)
To learn about submitting Order Management certificate in 4 simple steps.
  1. Download Seacert Key Tool.
  2. Generate CSR (.p10) for Order management.
  3. Login to SOMA. Request an order form and attach .p10 file.
  4. Click the hyperlink from email, then fill out the order form and submit it.
Features for your company administrator
  1. Setting up ‘Billing & Notification’ information that will automatically be inserted into your company’s order forms
  2. Adding new Company Members
  3. Designating additional Company Admins (giving ‘Administrator’ access to Company Member)
  4. Re-sending the ‘activation’ (automated) email to Company Members that miss the 7-day initialization time window
  5. Making Company Members ‘inactive’
  6. Receiving emails when Company Members reset logins for forgotten passwords (automated email)
  7. Deactivating certificates